Luc Hooybergs (°11/11/1968) will become KRC Genk's new CEO from 1 September. Luc has achieved a great career at Nike, first as General Manager in Laakdal, then at European HQ level from Hilversum and finally as Vice-President in HQ, Portland, USA. He is one of the inspirers of Nike's tremendous growth in Laakdal and Ham along the E313. Luc will strengthen and lead KRC Genk's executive committee.

The football world is becoming more professional, international and competitive every day. KRC Genk wants to take the next step in its development, where we want to be and remain sustainably successful, while maximising local social relevance and anchoring. To achieve this, the internal organisation will evolve into three Business Units: Football, Business and Community. Erik Gerits will become Head of Community, and will continue to play a very important role for the fans and the entire community of KRC Genk. Dimitri de Condé will continue to serve as Head of Football. Sem Franssen will become Head of Business.

Erik Gerits: "I am grateful to the club for having been able to contribute to the further development of our club during 6 years as CEO. During this period, we have brought our relations with the supporters (SLO operation, OSV, etc.) to an exemplary level in Belgium, the re-energisation of our KRC Genk Foundation and the many beautiful substantive projects we realise every day, the expansion of the commercial and communication department, the development of the Master Plan and the permit for our Training Complex. My new role is close to my heart. As Head of Community, I can fully commit to our fans, our volunteers, our KRC Genk Foundation, our Ladies, our Futsal team. KRC Genk is a club in full swing. The club of my heart."

Luc Hooybergs: "I am extremely looking forward to using my international experience at the biggest sports brand in the world, Nike, for the club of my heart. Football is the most popular sport internationally. KRC Genk is recognised by all football leaders worldwide as a breeding ground of international talent. My role will be to further grow KRC Genk into a sustainably successful future at the top, with great respect for its social importance and DNA."

Peter Croonen: "Our organisation is growing steadily and the competition does not stand still. We are ambitious and want to win. To achieve that goal, we also need to evolve as a club. Luc Hooybergs is a captain with international experience and charisma, and a born winner with a blue heart. Together with our experienced management, he will write a new chapter with our club. We are grateful to Erik Gerits for the past period under his able leadership. He will continue to play a very important role for our club in the day-to-day social and local anchoring, where his heart lies."

Luc will start in September. Until then, this is the only notification, and the operation of KRC Genk remains unchanged.